making payment - Euro symbolWith the job done, we will finish off by posting a smaller version of restored piece on a private page. We send you a link to it. This way, you can see what we have done to restore your photograph. The page also contains the following options for making payment.

  1. By cheque.
  2. By direct transfer.
  3. Using our secure on-line payment portal.

Whichever you use, we do not make the photograph available to you until payment has been received.

Getting the photo

job done - Download arrowOnce we have been notified that payment has been made, we will either :

  1. Send you a link to a private page where there will be a download button plus instructions
  2. If the photograph is 25 MbWhile downloads can sometimes be measured in Gb, email attachments need to be a whole lot smaller. Depending on who your email account is with, some attachments can pass maximum size at just 10 Mb. or less, we will email the photograph to you.

Of course, if like some clients you are dealing with us in person, you may have elected to collect the photo file. In this case, the above does not apply.