Welcome to Digital Photo Doctor.

We are specialists in digital photo restoration and editing, rejuvenation and photographic manipulation.

Restorations and editing start from as little as 30€, with a free no obligation estimate and secure online payments.

Digital Photo Restoration and editing

1949 couple original

1949 couple colourised

Here at Digital Photo Doctor, our focus is on digital restoration and editing of photographs.

Our services cover the repair of creases, folds, tears, fading, colour correction and much, much more.

Using digital graphics manipulation, we can work from scanned images to bring your photo back to life.

We do not repair the actual photograph.

Scanning or photographing does not harm the original and all the repair work is performed on an extremely accurate duplicate.

The restored digital image will remain as is and not break down like paper photographs do. Best of all, digital photographs can easily be shared with other family members, friends or on-line.

Photo editing for specials

Mountaineer with camera strap original Mountaineer with camera cord removedIn the two photos shown here, you can see that in the first, the camera strap is obscuring part of the image.

Our job was to remove it. In this case, it was achieved by recreating what had been hidden and as a result we replaced the hood, shoulder and hat using digital airbrush and other techniques.

This is one aspect of photo editing and there are many more.

So, if for instance, you have always wanted a group family photo, but have never managed to get everyone together. With the right photographs, we can create that for you

Our photo manipulation services include:

  • Replacing the backgrounds for something more interesting or appropriate.
  • Adding people or elements to an existing photograph.
  • Removing people or elements from a photograph.
  • Ageing colour photographs to make them appear older. For example, we can change a colour photograph to greyscale and then tint it in sepia tones.
  • Colouring black and white or sepia photographs, to give the impression of colour photographs or recolouring faded photos.

We have numerous examples of photo manipulation and would be happy to discuss creating a one-off special just for you. You can find out more by clicking the link below.