This torn photo restoration, features a photo that had been torn multiple times.
The owner had clearly put it back together and thankfully, hadn’t used clear tape across the front to do so. That would have increased the amount of work on this torn photo restoration considerably, as tape almost always leaves a horrible yellow stain. As it was, the tears themselves had left obvious marks, which needed removing.
On closer inspection, the individual pieces weren’t quite in their right locations. That needed improvement.
The first job was to take the photo apart again, the pieces moved and better aligned.
Then, after removing the tears, the colour, exposure and contrast levels were reset.
Despite trying many methods, the sharpness could not be improved beyond what it currently is. However, this proves a point where two similar photos can require what appears to be similar work, yet yield very different results.
The possibility of this is not as unusual as might be thought, since most photographs passed to editors and restorers are not professional, but snapshots to begin with. The improvements made might already have improved them beyond their original condition.
All things considered, this was a lot more work to complete than at first thought and far more than it looks. Whilst the photo has been improved, the changes to the positioning of the individual pieces, didn’t make as much of a difference as was thought.
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