Brightening the dog

posted in: Restorations | 0

The assessment In this photo restoration, we illustrate how not all photos need to “get major surgery” to look their best. Some can show major improvements, just with minor adjustments. I didn’t find any serious damage had been caused to … Continued

Torn to shreds

posted in: Restorations | 0

This photo restoration was a huge challenge. It had literally been torn to shreds and a large chunk of it was missing. I’ll confess that I restored this twice. The first time I restored this photograph, I didn’t take into … Continued

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

posted in: Restorations | 0

In this restoration, I had to play detective, which was fun. The initial picture was in sepia and featured the three-quarter portrait of an army officer. Neither I nor the customer knew which branch of the army he was in. … Continued

Extreme fading and tears

posted in: Restorations | 0

I have said before that not all photographs can be restored. This photograph came very close to being considered not possible to restore. It had extreme fading and tears with pieces missing. The photo This photo dated from before WW1 … Continued