Voids, stains and colourising work

posted in: Restorations | 0

Voids, stains and colourising work - Child portrait beforeHere’s a picture that took me from simple clean-ups and adjustments, to full-on repair work. This was a portrait with voids, stains and colourising work to do.

So this post is not about a new photo. The fact is, I’m revamping the web site and instead of a huge gallery of pictures, on this iteration of the site, I decided to post the pictures of work done, individually – as posts.

Not only that, Until I catch up with everything, the pictures will be going up in a completely random order. It’ll just be what takes my fancy on any given day.

I know. I’m a rebel.

The photo

The photo has obvious signs of damage, which look suspiciously like mould and moisture or water damage. The results are discolouration and voids where parts of the image are actually missing.

The rest of the photo was surprisingly clear and sharp still.

Voids, stains and colourising work - Child portrait restoredRepairing the background damage wasn’t difficult. There was a need for some deft touches to restore the areas on the face that were missing. Fortunately, the photo was large enough that the reparation of the young person’s face, didn’t require guesswork. There is always the possibility that the missing areas have hidden birthmarks or moles, but thankfully, that wasn’t the case here.

A fun job

This one was especially fun to do, because it was generally in good condition to restore to a “like new” condition. The addition of the colour in this case, was fitting. Sometimes, I feel it’s better to return a photo to its original condition without colourising. It puts the photo into a specific time in history, rather than making it look like it was only taken yesterday.

Of course, that’s simply an opinion and if the customer requests colourising, that’s their choice.

Anyway, both I and the client were happy with the finished result here.

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